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Nova Poshta - you need to remove the block

Earlier there was communication here https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/integratsii-c-onebox/1562-nova-poshta---netu-b...
Then they sent me to TP NP
As a result, I received a response from the NP:
Access to cards, by requesting "getCards" is less for those koristuvachivs, who gave data to cards, if the functionality was practicable.
However, you can't see the data for the service request via API, so when transferring data for the service request to the created Internet document, you will reject the pardon: "BackwardDeliveryMoney to payment card is temporary blocked".
The "getCards" method is planned to be disabled in the next hour.
Here is https://prnt.sc/uv0he4
That is, it turns out that this block in the NP tab https://prnt.sc/upeq7n does not work, but only misleads users, so I ask you to remove it
Original question is available on version: ru


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