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customer payments need to be redirected to transfers between accounts

Есть необходимость настройки платежей в системе?
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Automatic payment https://prnt.sc/uyzmlj https://rovo.org.ua/admin/shop/finance/payment/21901/control/
customers need to be redirected to move between rahunkami
Є constant in payment: Payer: Rosrakhunki z acquiringu
Account: UA353052990000029240828509101
How to make such a setting?
Original question is available on version: ru


Did I understand you correctly that you need to change the type and category of payment for certain payments - automatically?
if yes, then you can do an action once a minute that will do this based on regular expressions by which it will filter the necessary payments and change the specified fields for them
will take about 6 hours
15.10.2020, 19:21
Original comment available on version: ru

Dorobka is needed, but why is it so Expensive?
3 years ready to pay.
16.10.2020, 09:23
Original comment available on version: ru

Buchkovsky Rostislav Vasilievich
Client wrote:
Dorobka is needed, but why is it so Expensive? I am ready to pay for 3 years.

so many because you need to make a lot of settings in action about which payments to take into account and what to do with them + filter
we can shrink by reducing the settings fields to a maximum of 4h
16.10.2020, 10:08
Original comment available on version: ru

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