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List of related questions and answers «Client cabinets»

1 answer
04.10.2023, 18:16
Why is the bug not fixed?
https://1b.app/ua/forum/client-cabinets/17733-v-kabinete-klienta-ne-sohranyayuts... It's been a week. ...
Improvement_Selecting product category output depending on contact group
Good afternoon There is a request like this: OneBox https://inclothes.1b.app/desktop/ There are two categories of clients wholesale and drop it is ...
9 replies
28.09.2023, 16:07
In the client's account, the values ​​in the fields are not saved when switching stages
In the client's account, the values ​​in the fields are not saved when switching stages if the value in the field is written but not saved. Describ...
2 answer
26.09.2023, 11:37
Urgently! Scripts in the personal account do not work
After the last update, the personal account was hacked. As of today, there is this error in the console, because of which the scripts do not work. ...
1 answer
26.09.2023, 11:08
Exporting processes to lk does not work
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/contact/6028433/ go to the account under the user In the menu item "My lands" - the "Export" button does not work ht...
1 answer
26.09.2023, 11:04
Drop-down menus in LC stopped working
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/contact/6029308/ We go into the user and try to click on the drop-down list https://prnt.sc/xP4fnpMv85j8 It doesn't ...
1 answer
19.09.2023, 12:04
It is not possible to create an order with delivery by New Post.
I ask you to correct errors in the operation of the system! Customers cannot place orders through the office. If you choose the New Post delivery ...
7 replies
Can't add products to cart
Good afternoon, the “Add to Cart” button has stopped working in dealers’ personal accounts. After clicking, nothing happens, the product is not add...
4 answer
13.09.2023, 17:51
Ability to add multiple process list blocks
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/29/interface/blok-bek/ The “List of Processes” block https://prnt.sc/2m0xAhzKqYTA needs to be able ...
4 answer
08.09.2023, 13:36
Copying settings in the lk interface
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/10/interface/ It is necessary to add the ability to copy interface settings from other stages and ...