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The action does not work for a product added through the personal account

Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/74/action/new/ is one of the last actions (the “Price per lk” procedure). Should accordingly copy the price from the add. product fields into process product price. But this does not happen when creating an order using a button in the personal account. Here's an example. https://univer.1b.app/153357/
To repeat, go under this client https://univer.1b.app/app/contact/6028433/
further here https://univer.1b.app/client/order/60130/ and click here https://prnt.sc/nlqqhXhpWaZl
A process will be created, but in it the main price will be taken from the product card, and not the one that we copy with the action. Moreover, if after this you perform the procedure again, it will work. There is a suspicion that the product is added after the process has been created, so the action simply does not see the product.
Please correct.
Original question is available on version: ru


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