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2014536498 - Selecting an account and conditions for additional fields in the action "Make a payment"

For the "Make a payment" action, the selection of conditions for additional fields has been improved.
1. You can set an unlimited number of conditions, as well as conditions for several fields.
2. If the information in the add. fields BP corresponds to the values, then the payment is made to a specific account.
3. If the information in the additional field does not match the condition, the action does not work.
4. If the check fields for additional fields are not filled, then the action is triggered as before.
5. If the add. field, but the value is not filled and the "Empty field" checkbox is checked, then the action does not work.
6. Also in the action, a condition has been added where you can copy from any BP field (both regular and additional) to any finance field
Original question is available on version: ru


Commentary is available in ru and not yet translated to the current language.
21.01.2021, 13:13

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