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Working with business processes

1. Make sorting of groups and business processes NOT by name, but at the request of the user.
2. Add the ability to collapse business process groups.
3. Remove the text "Manage logic - Process cards - Launch forms" under each business process, and replace it with icons that will appear when hovering over the process.
4. Change the text "Process cards" to "Interface" (or see point 3).
5. Add the ability to rename groups and business processes directly from the page of all business processes.
6. Add ready-made icon sets instead of the "Icon (Unicode)" group of business processes, or the ability to add your own icon.
Original question is available on version: ru


20.01.2021, 11:38
«Один юрист із портфелем у руках награбує більше, ніж банда автоматників» Original comment available on version: ru

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