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Partial search for values by source stopped working in the "Change process field value in fallow from another process field" action_block_status_change_field_by_order_fields

Here is the procedure https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/workflow/12/procedure/99/?status=0
Which changes the process name on save
There is an action (screen) it looks at the source of the process and if the source contains "prom" characters, then it should add characters
But it does not work with the source
If I change the verification not of the source, but for example the comment of the process, then everything works (that is, it partially searches)
That is, this is how it works https://prnt.sc/vuzggy
Here is the process https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/28773/edit/
I press save and everything is OK, if we compare the comment, if we compare the source, then it understands only a complete match
Please fix
Original question is available on version: ru


The source is compared by complete coincidence and this is not a bug. Nowhere in the action is it written that you can use %%, you just "hacked" the action and found an extra in it. functionality, congratulations.
03.12.2020, 14:05
Original comment available on version: ru

Куприян Владислав Валерьевич
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
The source is compared by complete coincidence and this is not a bug. Nowhere in the action is it written that you can use %%, you just "hacked" the action and found an extra in it. functionality, congratulations.

I didn’t “hack”, I set a task for Tyndyk 3-5 years ago that he would do it and it worked with all fields (but of course there were a lot of bugs) and until some time in the description it was written that you can use "%%" but then like Masha removed it for some reason, I still don’t understand why
Therefore, I ask you to raise the technical specification for these percentages and see what was in the technical specification, only some specific field, or everything should fall under "%%", if it is specific, then ok, if not, then it will be correct
PS: I set up this thing "%%" for many people and it worked
03.12.2020, 14:23
Original comment available on version: ru

Specifically for this block, there is no TK for%, but a partial search does not plow and should not plow in 50% of cases somewhere. On the fields by type of currency, amounts, dimensions, source, etc.
03.12.2020, 14:50
Original comment available on version: ru

Куприян Владислав Валерьевич
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
Specifically for this block, there is no TK for%, but a partial search does not plow and should not plow in 50% of cases somewhere. On the fields by type of currency, amounts, dimensions, source, etc.

As this is not a TK, I set a task, the client seemed to be indicated for this task Alux
Here, in any case, you need to find a technical specification to be 100% sure
03.12.2020, 14:56
Original comment available on version: ru

wait, I don't have time for such things.
03.12.2020, 14:58
Original comment available on version: ru

Куприян Владислав Валерьевич
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
wait, I don't have time for such things.

Lady, what the heck
I wrote to you that the bug
You wrote to me that I hacked the action
I'm telling you that this was not a hack, but in reality it was a technical specification for a partial search
You say keep it up
Well, you approach the issue with humor :)
Ok so let it be
03.12.2020, 15:20
Original comment available on version: ru

I gave you an exact and specific answer, which says that for some of the fields % should not work, what's the problem?
03.12.2020, 16:07
Original comment available on version: ru

Куприян Владислав Валерьевич
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)

Bodyako Dmitry
Employee wrote:
I gave you an exact and specific answer, which says that for some of the fields % should not work, what's the problem?

no problems :)
03.12.2020, 17:43
Original comment available on version: ru

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