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Create an order from the menu

Hello, I added a separate PSU, DEFROST))) https://prnt.sc/vhxzfl should be done so that you can add orders from it as from the "Order" PSU, I can't understand where the settings are, i.e. I need to add + .... under the new BP, so that I can quickly create orders directly from the menu
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello Inna.
You can add your menu item https://i.imgur.com/YMxYna6.png and enter the following link in it https://crm.mama.travel/admin/shop/customorder/add/?type=order&workflowid=37
Thus, when you click on this menu item, this PSU will immediately start
12.11.2020, 15:47
Original comment available on version: ru

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