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Subtask process author

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Good afternoon, there is a box for 1 user.
Through the personal account, users create orders for another client.
In the order itself, I get the author = the one who created the order through personal account, the responsible one = the same 1 box user, the client = the client of which was indicated by the author.
I need to create a subprocess in which the client will be the user who created the parent task.
Now, when creating a subtask, the client of which the user specified in the personal account is copied, and not the user himself. How to solve the moment
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon.
You can copy the author of the process in the additional field of the process with the "Contact Directory" type.
Then, in the subprocess, copy the value of this additional field from the parent process.
And after that, use the "Change process client" action and select this additional process field in the action.
Or alternatively use the action "Copy process fields" (screenshot attached)
18.02.2022, 11:21
Original comment available on version: ru

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