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OS: Correct action "Find and move payment in progress to another account/category"

There is an action in the steps "Find and move a payment in progress to another account/category". It has a setting.
Now it only works under 2 conditions:
1) When completed "Search for payments on accounts"
2) When the completed "Search for payments on accounts" and "Search for payments, where the additional field ..." (in this case it is "and", not "or").
Can you fix it so that it still works with the "OR" condition, that is: when I can only select "Search for payments where the additional field is ..." ?
Original question is available on version: ru


This is done on purpose to limit the number of possible "accidentally" transferred payments.
What is the difficulty in choosing the right number of accounts? At least it will be a conscious setting.
22.10.2021, 17:12
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
This is done on purpose to limit the number of possible "accidentally" transferred payments.
What is the difficulty in choosing the right number of accounts? At least it will be a conscious setting.

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
The difficulty is that I have about 70 categories and 7 payment accounts, and because of this, I need to add 70 categories for each payment account. Example below:
The first payment account - put 70 categories;
The second payment account - put 70 categories;
The third payment account - put 70 categories;
.... and so on.
And in the version that I wrote, you can NOT be tied to your account, but simply set 70 actions only for categories.
03.11.2021, 10:27
Original comment available on version: ru

Added options "All accounts" / "All categories" to selectors.
03.11.2021, 15:54
Original comment available on version: ru

Tyndyk Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production
Administrator wrote:
Added options "All accounts" / "All categories" to selectors.

Excellent! Thank you!
03.11.2021, 17:25
Original comment available on version: ru

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