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Improve the task collection logic

Here https://box.yerocolors.com/app/automatization/hour/edit/
in the action "Create a process based on the amount of payments of processes in the selected business processes"
We need to add a setting so that we can select the date of transition to the selected status and pick up processes for the last month https://prnt.sc/2qyGtdtuuv6h
How many hours does it take to implement?
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon.
Maybe you want, in addition to selecting a power supply unit, to have a choice of statuses for this power supply unit and a specified checkbox so that the selection includes processes that entered one of the specified stages in the specified date interval?
If there, then these 2 settings can be implemented in 2 hours.
09.11.2023, 17:27
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes that's right. Can I please send an invoice to LLC "ZIA" hq@yerocolors.com
09.11.2023, 17:33
Original comment available on version: ru

Improved settings:
1. multi-list of BP stages to take into account
2. checkbox "Take into account completed stages"
If filtering by period is applied (not disabled by the action settings) and the “Take into account completed stages” checkbox is enabled and stages are specified, processes that passed one of the specified statuses in the specified period of time will be filtered.
The rest of the logic remains the same.
14.11.2023, 18:58
Original comment available on version: ru

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