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Application Questions and Answers «Ways of payment»

1 answer
27.06.2022, 21:46
Automatically change the payment method for the Enrolled client
Receipt with cash on delivery, but the client changed his mind and paid for the goods on the card, paid for the payment, he added before the appoin...
3 answer
21.06.2022, 14:45
Remove payment methods
https://datapoint.center/ There are 4 payment methods 2 of them are downloaded from the site, but we don't want to use them. When we delete th...
4 answer
14.07.2021, 15:25
Terminal/acquiring connection
Good afternoon! We have our own offline store where payments are made through the terminal, tell me how you can display data immediately on the ter...
1 answer
23.06.2021, 12:27
The total amount and VAT are not displayed
Order - https://osmarina.crm-onebox.com/1/ 1. there is a product with a sale price of 1000 in the order - https://tinyurl.com/ygfahx2w , but this a...
9 replies
31.03.2021, 13:23
payment control
how to set up automatic receipt of payments from new mail when the payment control service is connected? set up the action that when the parcel is ...
3 answer
Action didn't work: "Prohibit navigation depending on fields and payment method"
In BP "Order Retail" there is a bus. action https://prnt.sc/10jrxgr which should prohibit the transition to the stage if the payment meth...
3 answer
09.02.2021, 20:22
Automatic action in a business process
How to correctly launch the automatic action "Change business process and stage depending on field values" so that the stage is switched ...
6 replies
28.01.2021, 12:34
checkbox required at checkout
you need a checkbox when placing an order, with the payment method cash on delivery with the following text: Call me back to confirm the order. The...
3 answer
How do I change the payment method in the course of an action?
if in the action "Fill in the field of the process or contact" set the name or code, then nothing happens how to be?
3 answer
25.01.2021, 12:01
Sales report (payment method)
Good afternoon. We have a sales report - https://vuuoksa-home.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/report/sales/ But I would like to sort them by payment meth...