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Application Questions and Answers «OneBox Network»

4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
11.10.2023, 17:06
500 error when trying to go to the settings of the OneBox Network application
When we go to Advanced settings, the system issues a 500 error Fix it please.
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
17.05.2023, 17:20
Action: Send the document to the Network partner
Please explain how this action works, as I do not understand its logic. How did: There is a task that was synchronized with the Client's box, usi...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
10.04.2023, 09:51
Unable to customize your profile
That week, the app made it impossible to set up your own profile to share data with other OneBoxes. Observed on several systems with which you ha...
8 replies
Personal license
08.03.2023, 15:10
Comments added to the process by an automatic action are not synchronized via Network
Good day! At the subprocess stage, there is an action "Add comment to process" (screen 1) https://monosnap.com/file/WyoRHkTbfDimn4TATICUlPm7NrnxWL ...
2 answer
03.01.2023, 12:01
Onebox Network
Unable to send the process through OneBox Network, the error shows that there is no email or phone number of the customer, although it is all filled
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.12.2022, 11:22
Does not save a record for the company here balistyka
/network/company/config/ We create our company and fill in the data, but when saving, it gives an error, as in chest 1227
2 answer
09.12.2022, 15:07
Unable to send process through Onebox Network
The error states that a phone number or e-mail must be specified, it is written in the contact card, everything is sent from the admin account, but...
3 answer
Personal license
07.11.2022, 16:19
Synchronization error
Hello! Encountered "Sync Error": https://icf.1b.app/app/network-88090/history/ Please tell me what could be the problem? Are there any re...
7 replies
Personal license
04.05.2022, 10:32
Synchronization of comments open for viewing
Hello! There is already an option to synchronize only "open comments", thanks for that, very convenient. But if you use the "Transfe...
2 answer
OneBox gives "out" transaction data for an unlogged user, an urgent fix is needed
When forwarding the URL to a OneBox CRM deal via messenger, we noticed that even if the user is not logged in, the deal page contains the deal data...