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Creating an order.

I create an order using the API.
Data used to create an order:
[{:name=>"test", :workflowid=>1, :statusid=>1, :productinfo=>{:id=>1, :findbyArray=>["externalid"], :showerrorafterfind=>true}} ]
The order is created.
How can I find out the values: workflowid and statusid that need to be used when creating an order? Fields are required.
Original question is available on version: ru


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Thank you for quick answer.
I need to get the workflowid and statusid via the API, or use some default ones.
Orders will be imported from an external system, and I do not have such data as workflowid and statusid.
10.05.2024, 11:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Well, look once at the BP and the status in which you need to load orders and always transfer them, what’s the problem?
10.05.2024, 11:59
Original comment available on version: ru

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