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Search results for query #vasylyshynbest@gmail

6 replies
Pardon for payment. Due date is less than current
https://prnt.sc/v5a1os - how to solve the crime, so that the skin never takes an hour for 1xv.
5 replies
Incorrect goiter according to the order.. how to correct it?
May the situation be fixed https://prnt.sc/v4ol2r . I buy from dollars, I sell from hryvnias. are the stars so pidbags? https://prnt.sc/v4ong0 / ht...
7 replies
Reverse the process
What is the correct way to re-confertuate the lead at the client's order? do not create a new one, or a new process. Namely, change yoga to ano...
1 answer
06.10.2019, 17:32
Improvement on the P&L report (Profit and Loss Statement)
Faced such a problem. The P&L report in the system is not working correctly. The data should display the sums of business processes for the sal...

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