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Search results for query #tilda

8 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
02.06.2022, 11:44
Add the ability to pull data from the payment array
Here https://hellom.1b.app/app/settings/tilda/ (Figure 1) It is necessary to add the ability to pull data from the payment array (Fig. 2) Either ...
9 replies
31.03.2022, 01:00
Throws an error when adding code
https://newtrend.team/tilda/push/ When I insert a link into the webhook settings, it gives an error [CODE: 0] webhook timeout.. How to fix it?
4 answer
26.01.2022, 07:50
Data not being transferred from Tilda
The integration is configured according to the instructions, but the phone number is not displayed in the box, only test:test is written, BP A simp...
3 answer
Tilda integration - how to move the process to the right stage?
Orders come from Tilda, we have one BP for orders. But in the case of Prom, Rozetka - we have the opportunity to accept the BP at the desired stage...
5 replies
05.11.2021, 16:04
Integration with Tilda
Good afternoon! We have a website https://www.wow-yalinka.com.ua/ we have set up a connection with our OneBox orders come, everything is fine conta...
1 answer
06.07.2021, 04:17
Displaying order status information on the Tilda page
The site has a service for checking the status of an order https://chinim.com.ua/psr/ I plan to create a business card site on Tilda before updatin...
The problem of setting up integration with the site on tilda
The client has a box https://klimenkovanastya.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ There was a problem with the integration of CPM with the site on tilda. I c...
2 answer
26.04.2021, 14:44
Doesn't recognize apostrophe and brackets in product name with tilde
Doesn't recognize apostrophe and brackets in product name with tilde They arrive and are written as html characters https://topmi.crm-onebox.c...
1 answer
The setting for recording fields received from Tilda does not work
In the logs, we see information that comes from Tilda. The received data contains information about the delivery method, recipient's full name,...
4 answer
Applications do not come from Tilda (setting)
Good afternoon! I'm trying to connect in Tilda according to the instructions, but the applications do not go through. What am I doing wrong? In...

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