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Search results for query #tetianabykhovtseva@gmail.com

9 replies
New mail
Good afternoon, the full name of the client and the phone number in the Recipient field have again ceased to be pulled up when creating the TTN of ...
4 answer
Good afternoon. Our Box is integrated with Binotel. But recently, phone numbers have ceased to be identified and pulled up to orders. Calls go as a...
4 answer
Uploading the wrong price to Rozetka
Hello! Automation is configured to upload prices for the Rosette from the product card (an additional field has been created where the price is rec...
2 answer
New mail
Good afternoon, since yesterday, the full name of the client and the phone number in the Recipient field have ceased to be pulled up when creating ...
7 replies
I write to paid support - no synchronization, no one answers
Guys! Boxing does not work correctly, no one answers in the paid support, even the notification about the synchronization of the process did not co...
5 replies
29.10.2020, 10:44
Nova mail, evaluate the revision
New mail has this feature http://i.imgur.com/VO25Aof.png Can it be done in srm and how much will it cost? It is necessary that there be a setting f...

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