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Search results for query #sevenmart.sale@gmail.com

6 replies
BUG! No cash on delivery from Nova Poshta
Good afternoon! Cash on delivery for NP is not carried out automatically!! Even though it worked before! Didn't change anything, but it stopped...
3 answer
Product variable.
Case: Uploaded the Purchase and Sale Agreement. I set all the variables in it. However, I can't find a variable for a Product from a process. W...
3 answer
Automation of salary calculation
Automation "Create a payroll business process based on business processes closed by an employee for the past month" is used. How to set u...
11 replies
Stage switching is prohibited. The supplier of the process products is not specified or they are not available.
Process #4861 At the stage "place an order to the supplier", when moving to the next stage "goods in stock", the system gives a...
6 replies
BUG! Payment automation not working
In the BP Customer Order, the automation "Make a payment" was created. It is tied to the transition to the BP stage "Overlay receive...
2 answer
Profit and Loss Statement
Where can I find or how to generate a profit and loss statement for a given period? The report should show: Revenue Cost price Gross profit Operati...
11 replies
After the shipment of the order, the goods are not deducted from the warehouse
The goods in orders after the transition of the order to the status "Shipped" - "Order Completed" are not written off from the ...
16 replies
Please send a link to a tutorial or a training video / article about working with reports.
3 answer
Automation of payment creation upon receipt of an overlay and the transition of the order to the corresponding status of New Mail
It is not always the automatic creation of a payment tied to the transition of the order to the corresponding stage of New mail. Those. Automation ...
3 answer
1. Set up automation once a day "Create a payroll business process based on business processes closed by an employee over the past month"...

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