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Search results for query #ryker

2 answer
02.10.2020, 20:47
Extra processes are created
Processes are created from some letters, although automation (Turn letter into a process) is not configured.
3 answer
Yandex Speech
Tell me, Yandex Speech (https://prnt.sc/urpz3o) how does the integration work and is it active now? Also is there any integration with Google Speac...
8 replies
26.09.2020, 17:43
Report result
What does "report result" mean in the system? Where is it used and what is it used for? Why is the process stage at the time of adding th...
18 replies
26.09.2020, 17:40
Updating prices and availability in the "Generic Product Import (xml/json)" automatic action
Good afternoon. Where do you need to check the box so that new supplier products are not added, but only the availability and prices of existing on...
3 answer
23.09.2020, 18:14
Warehouse call
Chi є in box zvіt or functional, which in one window allows you to get the necessary information: 1. Surplus goods in warehouses. 2. Chіkuvany prih...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
23.09.2020, 16:28
Mail mysteriously not working
Here https://hairtools.biz.ua/admin/shop/integrations/imap-2/control/ Set up mail, for gmail mail set up an application password so that it works 1...
5 replies
Тзов Екомора
23.09.2020, 09:53
Phonetic integration
Upon receipt of incoming calls, everything is good popping up all the time When you dial out, dial from the phone, everything is ok Ale, when you t...
payment within the process stopped getting into the wallet
In progress https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/207/action/new/ at the time of payment (buttons "paid by cash" ...
6 replies
Тзов Екомора
22.09.2020, 18:38
It is necessary before the transition to the first stage of the BP that it was necessary to confirm the transition to the second stage
Trying to write $j (function ( ) { $j ('.js-procedure-165').on ('click',function ( ) { return confirm(' Hello?' ) ; }); });...
11 replies
22.09.2020, 17:49
Auto action and email action work differently
Option 1: - Go to "events" - Choose a process - click "Turn into a process" - the letter was added to the process as a comment,...

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