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Search results for query #qr

1 answer
26.09.2022, 11:07
Error when creating document with QR
Here is the process https://entertainment.1b.app/26/ Created a document in it https://entertainment.1b.app/app/document/6/control/ using a variable...
4 answer
26.09.2022, 11:05
Evaluate the refinement of the qr code variable
Here is the document template https://entertainment.1b.app/app/document/templates/1/control/ We can use product qr id row:product_qr_productid it ...
2 answer
14.09.2021, 12:57
QR code expansion
Can I set the qr code size in the document template (changing {qr_orderurl})?
1 answer
qr code of the article of the product
There is such a variable I tried to add a random text (link) to the product article and thought that it would create a qr code based on it, but th...

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