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2 answer
28.01.2021, 17:40
Problem: attention, the system reserved all goods in the warehouse for write-off, without processes.
Example on one product: https://b2bhub.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/12870/storage/ for some reason, the system took free goods on the balance...
7 replies
23.12.2020, 10:29
Tell me where I can create kits from products
There are ready-made products and we want to create kits from these products. Does the kit have a barcode? There is no data in ONEBOX where you can...
ONBOX + OLX integration
Who needs integration with OLX, write off, we can share the cost of integration (If there are a large number of applicants, they will do it for fre...
15 replies
05.12.2020, 11:07
Problem with VIBER (chatbot) - it is impossible (impossible) to reply to those who write to us
We connected viber chat bot to vanbox Set up automation "Turn a viber message into a business process" And when the client writes to us, ...
1 answer
18.11.2020, 12:14
"Loading processes" is there any limit on the number at a time?
We transfer processes to ONEBOX https://prnt.sc/vldazg The first download went well, there were 30 orders (processes) transferred. But the second o...
2 answer
16.11.2020, 18:00
How to remove massively unnecessary 500 delivery services? not each manually
Imported a file with orders and created 500 delivery services https://prnt.sc/vk5x87 How can I remove unwanted ones? not each manually
13 replies
13.11.2020, 10:41
Improvement needed - a sound signal when a product is added by a barcode scanner
It is necessary to make a sound notification when adding a product to the business process, through a barcode scanner https://prnt.sc/vigssc What d...
14 replies
10.11.2020, 11:46
Why does it give an error? should match ^$|\d{5} - after all, the address for Ukrposhta is written correctly?
Writes an error: ------------------------------------ An error has occurred. An error occurred while creating the recipient address. Postcode 14013...

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