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Search results for query #import

11 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
18.11.2021, 14:11
Refinement of the selection of categories for importing goods from the supplier Brain
It is necessary to make it possible to choose a category of any level, not only the main - as far as I understand, now you can filter only categori...
8 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
18.08.2021, 13:10
Improve the import of the person responsible for the goods with cs-cart
Product https://crm.stylesalon.com.ua/admin/shop/products/1657/edit/ There is an additional field https://crm.stylesalon.com.ua/admin/shop/productf...
4 answer
25.02.2021, 15:16
Import of goods on OpenCart Ukrainian
The Ukrainian language in boxing was withdrawn for the engagement https://prnt.sc/106lh1t Prote, vivantage on opencart (name, description) sounds R...
3 answer
Questions about importing products
Interested in the following questions about importing products via XLS file: 1. "Search for products by barcode." https://prnt.sc/x5i4t1....

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