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Search results for query #форма добавления

12 replies
24.11.2021, 15:17
OS: Barcode in add form
Guys, please consider the improvements, namely: add a field or block for scanning a barcode to the "add form". Currently, the product can...
Unable to create process from add form
Here https://box.criamo.com/app/workflowtype-proizvodstvo/ (pic 1) Try switching which process to create. The buttons turn gray. Same here https:/...
Does not search for a customer in the form of adding a customer to an order.
Does not search for a client in the form of adding a client to an order (Fig. 1) Here https://box.criamo.com/app/workflowtype-order/ add an order ...
1 answer
07.10.2021, 09:55
OS - Bug - Add form
Gives an error if you click on the mobile version.
1 answer
22.07.2021, 07:29
OS. Form for adding an order
In the form for adding an order, the basket for adding goods to an order is not displayed. It is not possible to select a product and add it to the...
9 replies
21.07.2021, 10:38
Client data is not being loaded in the add form
When adding a lead when a client is defined in the add form, there is an additional contact field VIN-code of the car, which used to display inform...
5 replies
16.02.2021, 14:45
Business process selection
We propose to slightly change the interface for selecting business processes. Now it happens with us that employees can create the "wrong&quot...
5 replies
10.09.2020, 21:09
Emoticons are not displayed in the add form
Emoticons do not work in the "Description" field on the page for adding a task. They just don't show up when hovering over the corres...

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