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Search results for query #ррц

0 replies
30.04.2024, tuesday, 21:42
Improvement is needed in Uploading the price list: the option "Update only the Product Price and RRP"
We need an option in which, when loading a supplier’s price list, only the Product Price and RRP will be updated. Will it be possible to compare pr...
1 answer
11.10.2023, 15:38
How to set up RRP transfer in OneBox?
Good afternoon. We need to transfer the RRP from the supplier with automatic integration. You need the identifier of the RRP field, through which...
5 replies
You need to automatically fill in the "price" field from the "RRP" field
Help with a solution, how can I move the price automatically from the RRP field, which takes the price from the suppliers, to the "price" field. SC...
1 answer
Personal license
27.04.2023, 16:27
Rate the update of the
You need to be able to: 1) configure the same rules as now for the Supplier's Price, only so that all markups/discounts go to the value from th...
3 answer
Personal license
14.04.2023, 15:51
Rate the update of the "Price recalculation" functionality
Please evaluate the update of the "Price recalculation" functionality, so that you can set the markup (discount) rules for the supplier&#...
14 replies
22.07.2022, 11:43
Recalculation of the supplier's RRP
I will describe with an example: 1. There is a product, it has a price list from the supplier, the product is in stock, there is an RRP 2. The same...
6 replies
Personal license
19.05.2022, 18:29
Rate the finish for price recalculation
Hello! Please evaluate the modification so that when recalculating the prices, the largest RRC of the supplier is substituted into the sales price,...
2 answer
19.04.2022, 23:17
What if there is an RRC not for all products in the price
Good afternoon. I encountered a problem with the RRC in the price. The supplier has an RRC not for the entire product, but only for some. When load...
1 answer
Universal import of products (xml/json) field from xml file to Box's additional field
Tell me, is it possible to link the <price> field with the OneBox additional field for import from the xml file? The essence of import: in ad...
2 answer
Formation of the selling price of the product, taking the largest ppm from one of the suppliers
Good afternoon. Tell me, is there any functionality in OneBox where you can set up the logic for transferring the sale price of a product, taking o...

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