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Search results for query #поля продуктов процесса

4 answer
27.06.2022, 19:01
Changed in OS
In the "Copy fields of process products" section, the "Decommissioned" change appeared https://1b.app/ru/forum/changelog-2020-o...
4 answer
Add. process product field with type Dropdown
On the example of such an Order - https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1685352/edit/ it is clear that in the field with the drop...
6 replies
Printing price tags
I have a task to print product price tags, but it turns out that I need to use the process product fields for printing. Previously discussed that t...
2015750001 - Added selection of product fields in process history
A setting has been added to the process history page that allows you to select which fields of process products to display in the change history. T...
5 replies
Personal license
28.01.2021, 10:53
rate the addon "Copy the field of products in the process"
The client needs to copy the barcode of the product in the warehouse https://prnt.sc/xpu9yv in the additional field for the product process like th...

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