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Search results for query #пересчет наличия

5 replies
28.09.2022, 09:25
Incorrect product availability
Hello. There are products that are not in the price list, but they are displayed in stock, although the supplier's tab says that they are out o...
1 answer
17.08.2022, 12:47
Products in stock even though they are out of stock
Some products are in stock even though they are out of stock Here is an example. https://japanautoparts.1b.app/app/product/4/edit/ There is a check...
1 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
14.07.2022, 11:18
OS, do not change prices for goods
Good day, I don’t pay the price of the price for goods. Goods example: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/product/32847/edit/ https://owwa.crm-onebox....
1 answer
24.05.2022, 09:16
Applies the wrong rule
Here is a product https://sara.1box.link/app/product/31789/edit/ the product has dollar currency Added 2 rules for supplier https://sara.1box.link...
No price recalculation
https://vmk.crm-onebox.com/app/product/43181/edit/#done here the product is credited, and the price is not recalculated for it. and not only for him
OS - automation for products when recalculating prices and availability
OS - automation for products when recalculating prices and availability Go to https://rivcont.info/app/automatization-products/update/edit/ Find th...
Synchronizing Availability with Vendor File
Recently, a massive problem has arisen when working with synchronization of availability with suppliers via xml. The goods from the supplier are co...
2 answer
06.08.2021, 09:17
Availability recalculation issues
On products from one category, I disable the availability manually, the "Recalculate availability with suppliers and warehouses" checkbox...

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