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Search results for query #закупочная цена

1 answer
23.12.2023, 09:10
The principle of forming the purchase price in USD
Please tell me, if the base currency is UAH, how is the purchase data entered into the system? At the time of receipt of process products, if the p...
9 replies
02.05.2023, 08:47
The purchase price drops. Bug
Good afternoon, there was a problem, the purchase price for the product becomes 0, while all other prices are indicated because they should. If yo...
0 replies
18.01.2023, 12:32
The purchase price of the goods flies
Good afternoon. From time to time we notice that on different products the purchase price becomes 0.00, while the price in suppliers is correct, pl...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
02.05.2022, 14:05
Access rights to the purchase price and data export in the warehouse application
Previously, in the MVP, you could separately configure many items for applications, now this is super curtailed. Prompt or tell me how many hours y...
3 answer
XLS unloading does not work, the Purchase price is not set, although the price from the supplier is set and availability is also
https://wisp.1b.app/app/product/8546/edit/#done Availability from the supplier is indicated, but the purchase price is not indicated in the product...
The purchase price of the product in the product card
Tell me how to make it so that its purchase price is recorded in the product card, after the goods are received through the order to the supplier?
The action of updating the purchase price according to the warehouse operation does not work
There is a procedure for saving (Fig. 1) for example order https://box.criamo.com/1300797/ (pic 2) There, everything is set manually to 100 UAH o...
2015856368 - Added a field to the list of processes
The ability to display a field with the value of the purchase price has been added to the list of processes.
Incorrectly raises the purchase price
Good afternoon, for many orders, there is a minus margin due to an incorrect purchase price, I did not indicate such purchase prices when posting, ...
2 answer
27.08.2021, 11:27
Recalculation of purchase prices by brand
Good afternoon, is it possible to somehow recalculate the purchase prices separately for the brand? In the application "Recalculation of price...

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