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Search results for query #юзабилити

6 replies
28.04.2023, 00:36
Improvement - Quick process creation menu - Open in new tab - Select processes to display
1. Please make it possible to open the process being created from the Quick Creation menu in a new tab. With the ctrl key pressed and the mouse km....
2 answer
27.04.2023, 14:11
Improvement - Dropdown menu when hovering over application icons on the desktop
It would be great to leave the dropdown menu when hovering over apps on the desktop in Sort Mode only. This menu is not used 99.9% of the time in...
2 answer
03.01.2023, 01:58
Line wrapping in the date and time field
Please make sure that the line does not wrap in the Date and Time field. Now it turns out 3 lines. It is very difficult to perceive the information...
3 answer
29.12.2022, 10:48
The width of the blocks in the product card
Space was used inappropriately in the product card. The fields with prices are stretched to full width, while the price of the product is unlikely ...
5 replies
29.12.2022, 09:41
Open links from Links in the current tab
Links created through the Links app always open from both desktop and favorites in a new tab. At the same time, all other applications open in the ...
4 answer
27.12.2022, 14:13
Favorites dropdown width
Please increase the width of the favorites dropdown to display the full name of the items. There are similar items, such as New Supplier Orders and...
2 answer
15.10.2021, 14:22
Make already a single format of numerical displays
A few months ago, they changed the dot to a comma as a decimal separator in the product table, but only in price and amount. Points remained in the...

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