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Search results for query #штри-код

1 answer
26.07.2022, 14:02
Evaluate the refinement of product bar code creation on the basis of addn. process product fields
In my order, each product will have an additional field in the format of a number or a line (it doesn't matter) where I will write 11 or 13 cha...
9 replies
05.10.2021, 17:08
Consultation. Product barcode in stock
Good day Does the product in stock (SKU) have a unique identifier? Can you visualize the barcode by looking at it so that you can scan it with a sc...
13 replies
13.11.2020, 10:41
Improvement needed - a sound signal when a product is added by a barcode scanner
It is necessary to make a sound notification when adding a product to the business process, through a barcode scanner https://prnt.sc/vigssc What d...

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