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Search results for query #числа

8 replies
02.09.2022, 16:41
Digitization of numbers in a special office
Here https://univer.1b.app/ In the special office "Universal Block" for processes, all fields with a floating point, add a capacity (1000...
2 answer
15.10.2021, 18:14
Numbers are displayed with a comma
Boxing for MVP. In the universal block, additional fields with the type number integer and floating point are now displayed with a comma Please cl...
3 answer
Add hundredths of .00 to prices in documents
Please tell me how to display numbers with hundredths .00 in documents There is a setting in business process tables, but I did not find it for doc...
Change number format
For example, we import orders http://joxi.ru/D2PMxVLhk8zDpA The fact is that the numbers in the file are displayed differently, with different sepa...

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