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Search results for query #ттн

2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.04.2024, 12:17
The process TTN number search has stopped working
Good afternoon, recently the search was working correctly, but currently we cannot find an order through a global search by specifying the TTN numb...
1 answer
Personal license
17.04.2024, 18:30
Evaluate the output of the "TTN parameters" block in the client's office
The client has a feature of working with dropshippers such that they first create an order with minimal data, and then detail it in the office. But...
Refinement is required
Add automation for adding TTNs that go to us to the process. That is, the action searches for TTN integration that are directed TO us, and adds TTN...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
31.01.2024, 09:40
A bug, when creating a TTN, the customer's phone number, which has nothing to do with the order, is pulled
Good afternoon, we cannot create a TTN of Nova Poshta, because the phone number of another client is pulled up during creation Process: https://ow...
3 answer
The invoice is not generated today
Good afternoon Today the Omniva invoice stopped being generated - it gives an error. We wrote to Omniva TP - we are waiting for an answer. How t...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
20.10.2023, 10:01
It is necessary to receive data on the TTN of Nova Poshta, which are sent to the Recipient and which he sees in his office, but which he himself did not create
Colleagues, good day there is a question about the settings for Nova Poshta It is necessary to receive data on parcels: - estimated value, - actual...
1 answer
ІнваФішки, консультант
07.09.2023, 20:38
The created TTN does not appear in the office of Ukrposhta
Congratulations! I have fully configured the integration, the API keys are correct, the sender's data is configured according to the data in the of...
Does not switch stages depending on the status of TTN
Such a problem has arisen, it does not switch the stages of the business process depending on the status of the TTN in Nova Poshta. The current sta...
7 replies
24.07.2023, 18:07
Error in Ukrposhta
When changing the TTN in the process, the new TTN has not changed in the "Ukrposhta information about TTN" block and, therefore, is not scanned in ...
5 replies
Not transmitted TTN UKRPOSHTA from ONEBOX to PROM
Let's use action: "PromUA / Save the delivery declaration number of the current process" But TTN of Ukrposhta is not transferred from ONEBOX to P...

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