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Search results for query #товара

How to overwrite photos in Products
I ran into such a problem, I need to change the photos in the products, we upload from Proma via an XLSX file, and the old photos are not deleted, ...
Associate the indicator Weight of the product from the product card with Weight for Nova Poshta
It is very inconvenient and as it is not logical for me that for Nova Poshta you need to separately indicate the Weight and dimensions. If they are...
1 answer
25.09.2020, 10:55
Selecting a supplier with a multilist in product filters
You can add a multilist supplier selection filter https://prnt.sc/unk3go so that you can select multiple suppliers, including selecting all but one...
4 answer
When linking "misunderstanding"
Hello, the situation is as follows: we loaded the supplier, fully worked it out (uploaded, linked, categories, brands scattered), in a week we upda...
10 replies
10.09.2020, 11:32
2015614073 - Refinement of the variable quantity of goods in the order
In Changelog 31.08-06.09 Improvement indicated: The orderProductsCount variable has been improved - counts the number of product positions in the p...
9 replies
08.09.2020, 22:55
No access to create a product
Hello. I wanted to create a new product, I clicked on the corresponding button https://prnt.sc/udv8fg but it gives an error - Andrey, You do not ha...
2014770336 - Refinement according to images for products
Now you can add images to products in their original form. The inclusion of proportions will work depending on the checkbox "Proportions of th...

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