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Search results for query #табы

4 answer
27.04.2023, 14:04
Improvement - Open tabs in new tab and Breadcrumbs
Please make it possible to open any tabs in the product/process/contact card in a new tab through the mouse km and when clicking with the ctrl key....
1 answer
15.04.2023, 17:50
Blocking access to interface tabs
https://crm.tryalia.com.ua/desktop/ Products have the ability to create separate tabs with an interface. It is necessary to block the viewing of a ...
11 replies
11.07.2022, 01:09
Refinement calculation: Display the process on the desired tab when moving to the stage
Please calculate the cost of developing a new action for the stages of the process, namely: when moving to the desired stage, open the process on t...
6 replies
16.10.2021, 00:03
OS: Adding the Tabs Function to the Process List
Guys, consider adding Tabs to the list of processes. The functionality can be similar to "Saved filters" from the filter panel. Why is th...
2 answer
09.10.2021, 13:26
OS - Improvement - Tabs
In view of the fact that there are now TABs, there are much more jumps through the interface, and, accordingly, it takes a little more time to swit...
3 answer
27.08.2021, 10:15
OS - Sorting TABs
Please add convenient tab sorting. Now I have to insert numbers into the name, but this is inconvenient.
2 answer
18.07.2021, 16:40
OS: Bugs when setting up the interface
Bugs occur when working with tabs (see video) https://youtu.be/Z-Gmd7VszKA - when adding a block, it shows all identical blocks in the selection li...
11 replies
18.07.2021, 14:30
OS: Functionality Tabs in business processes
Guys, can you add the ability to add tabs to business processes? An example in the picture. Previously, in the context of only one BP, we had to cr...
1 answer
18.07.2021, 12:17
OS: Tabs
We suggest adding the ability to display a variable in Tabs so that the name can be dynamic.

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