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3 answer
25.07.2022, 17:28
Bug lists in Contacts
If you select a value from the list once and click the "save" checkbox on this field, then everything is ok. But if after that you open t...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.02.2022, 17:09
OS Refinement, add the ability to attach related products to products, as it was in MVP
Good afternoon, Now in the OS there is no concept of related products, but lists are used. But it is extremely inconvenient for users to use this t...
8 replies
19.07.2021, 19:17
Business processes as a standalone application
I have a business process group called "order" In this group there are such processes as "customer order" "order to suppli...
1 answer
17.07.2021, 11:42
OS - Process Lists (scrolling)
Is it possible to make the list of processes "infinite"? So that either by pressing the button the list unfolds down, or just when scroll...
9 replies
16.07.2021, 19:51
OS - Process List
1. There is a problem with displaying text in one line. Or rather, the text is NOT displayed in one line, although the entire table is already wide...
8 replies
12.09.2020, 10:09
Open search list
Is there or will it be possible, when searching for something, to open a list with values so that you can choose from it? Now, if you don’t remembe...

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