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Search results for query #себестоимость

Changes in product cost calculation
We import mobile accessories from China, so the delivery of 1 unit may be equal to the purchase price of the product. Moreover, the cost of deliver...
7 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
28.02.2023, 10:57
Refinement. Cost Report
Good afternoon Please rate the creation of the Product Cost Report. It is necessary to be able to see the purchase cost of goods in a list by date,...
A multi-level structure for the production of products - how to display, is it possible?
Good afternoon! I am getting acquainted with the system, there is a desire to make an accounting system for continuous production. I use the produc...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.05.2022, 10:27
The cost of the product in terms of profit is converted at the exchange rate for the day of the revision of the price
Good day, At the price of the profit, the product is converted at the exchange rate for the day of the review, which is not correct. You can kindly...
Notify about a change in the purchase price (cost) - Is it possible to implement the functionality
the situation is such if the purchase price (cost) of a new batch changes by more than 5% (up or down). those. received $100 each, the next batch $...
1 answer
25.08.2021, 10:57
Production cost
Product example https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/30588/edit/ He has a passport, we carry out production in processes according t...
4 answer
04.03.2021, 19:30
Cost re-accounting according to the exchange rate
Interested in refining as in this issue: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/stock/2408-pereuchet-sebestoimosti-soglasno-ku...
8 replies
Help me figure out why the gross profit is written down in the cost price, and the cost price, on the contrary, is written down in the gross profit for the supplier
Help me figure out why the gross profit is written down in the cost price, and the cost price, on the contrary, is written down in the gross profit...
2 answer
Profit and Loss Statement
Where can I find or how to generate a profit and loss statement for a given period? The report should show: Revenue Cost price Gross profit Operati...
4 answer
08.09.2020, 12:52
Purchase price and cost
The purchase price of the products has changed. How to make it so that when posting products: 1. Changed the purchase price in the product card; 2....

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