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2 answer
23.09.2021, 13:36
Assign parent process is not correct
At the stage, stand by https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/1054/action/new/ Nalashtuvannya dії The process of pіdv'yazalo zovsіm...
11 replies
02.08.2021, 14:15
parent source
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/source/ There is a source and it has sub-sources A subsource is written in the process, I need to pull t...
4 answer
24.03.2021, 19:43
setup stopped working
For the "parent process" process field, the setting to search only for client processes has stopped working Example http://crm.adparts.co...
1 answer
21.10.2020, 11:55
Action of checking the received goods in the parent
The system has an action that receives goods in the parent from the subprocess https://prnt.sc/v3o2s5 But there is a problem that it is possible to...
3 answer
Remove parent from subprocess
Good afternoon! Please tell me how to create a task or process with a BP and at the same time that the process / task is separate, does not pull th...
2 answer
12.10.2020, 16:52
The parent process is not saved or assigned.
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/psaport/113355/edit/# if you fill in the field "parent process" http:/...

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