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Search results for query #реестр

5 replies
21.02.2023, 11:50
Evaluate the revision of the removal of goods from the registry
We can evaluate the action on the stage or checkmark in the action "Delete TTN New mail" Thank you
Register New mail
Hello, I have a question, I did not understand myself How does the registry work here? For example, I'm interested in manually creating a REGIS...
3 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
05.08.2021, 20:40
finalize the action of the process "Add TTN to the registry" (indicate which registry to add and save the registry parameters in additional fields)
finalize the action of the process "Add TTN to the registry", so that you can specify which registry to add the TTN to, and if a new regi...
5 replies
07.07.2021, 09:29
Stopped entering TTN in the registries.
Stopped entering TTN in the registries. Before that, there were a couple of non-visits, for some reason. Yesterday, not one entered at all, and eve...
8 replies
27.02.2021, 23:50
Number of the return parcel in New mail
Hello, How to prohibit the recording of the number of the return parcel of the New Post of Cash on Delivery? If the parcel was sent with cash on d...
2 answer
08.12.2020, 09:22
Nova Poshta (registry)
When creating a registry by NP, we get an error Doing so Getting error If you go into logging, then this is the error [ID_20450314070660] => P...
6 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
23.08.2020, 14:54
Data on Nova Poshta is not displayed (Registry number, Registry status, Registry creation date)
Brought to the list of processes here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/?filternovaposhtacabinet=&filterc...

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