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Search results for query #процесса

2015756631 - Added a new action "Record the date of transition to the stage by employees"
Added the action of the business process "Record the date of transition to the stage by employees". In the action, you can set an additio...
33 answer
privat action Privat24 Autoclient Account Statement
and it is possible to specify on options of this function for a binding to process. http://prntscr.com/uhpszg according to the idea for binding, yo...
9 replies
12.09.2020, 09:34
Value highlighting
Good afternoon! In the order, it is required to highlight the lines for which there is not enough goods in stock. In the "Products by table&qu...
3 answer
10.09.2020, 15:34
choose a product
Why are the checkboxes "choose a product" always active? It is very uncomfortable. Are there settings or mechanisms that would make them ...
2014789246 - Improved copy processes
Improved so that when copying a process, the field "Type of sending" is also copied

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