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Search results for query #постачальник

0 replies
31.01.2024, 14:34
Is there any way to specify the Discount for the Supplier in his Card, Options, Coefficients, Add. field or other settings, which will be taken into account during the Price Recalculation?
Is there any way to specify the Discount for the Supplier in his Card, Options, Coefficients, Add. field or other settings, which will be taken int...
3 answer
Is there an active vendor setting for the last transaction?
Tell me, is it possible to change the active supplier of the product to the one from whom the shoes were last purchased?
8 replies
18.09.2023, 16:36
Today, letters to the supplier stopped being sent
Today, letters to the supplier stopped being sent. At the "Order sent automatically" stage, the sending of a document with a list of goods to the s...
How to choose 1 of 2 suppliers for price calculation?
there are 2 suppliers (as per screenshot) They have different priorities The price recalculation sees the priority of the supplier, but then it s...
2 answer
11.07.2023, 17:31
An order to the supplier is not created
When you go to the "Order to supplier" stage, a supplier order should be created, but it is not. The product is not available. The Supplier is indi...
How to place an order with a supplier for services?
For example, I need to order Doors (goods) and Door inserts (service) from the supplier Why can't I do this through the "order to supplier" action ...
The connection with the supplier is deleted!
I connect the supplier through the import of xlsx products. It seems to me that the connection with the supplier is deleted after 10-15 minutes whe...
what is "supplier availability text"?
In the fine settings of product import, there is such a field "supplier availability text" What is it responsible for? What are its functions?
Due to import, indicate the availability of the product at the supplier?
Is it possible through one of the imports to indicate availability at the supplier We are talking about the checkbox in the photo.
0 replies
23.02.2023, 12:15
Obligations of the client
Good day Can you tell why the client's duties are such in the supplier's order? The process has been rolled back for several years. https://orc-tes...

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