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Search results for query #поиск

8 replies
16.11.2023, 13:57
Search by actions at the stage does not work + layout has gone wrong
The search field was on the same line with the process step selection. The search does not work either when you type or when you click the Search...
1 answer
21.09.2023, 17:43
Fields that are included in the search
Good afternoon We encountered a problem and added a field to the contact card with a list of manufacturers with whom the client works. For exampl...
1 answer
Why are changes made to the operation of the system without an alternative? How to disable interface tracking for the last process?
Boxing has been driving you crazy for a few days following the latest process. https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/workflowtype-first-type/ BP "Customer ord...
11 replies
18.09.2023, 10:33
Global search stopped working
As of today, global search has stopped working. It gives something like https://prnt.sc/NND2n2sjM-Z8 The screenshot shows that something seemed to ...
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
25.07.2023, 12:08
Order search not working correctly
Here https://crm.marketmebeli.com/app/search/ https://prnt.sc/X54Bd1n9VjWB (Fig. 1) By phone number 0954732105 does not find an order The order is ...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
25.07.2023, 09:28
Search is not working properly
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/payments/ in the "Process" field, you can search for a process and link it. Previously, you could specify the order...
1 answer
02.03.2023, 12:19
Does not search for goods by barcode
Good afternoon. We encountered a problem, in the products you can not find all positions by the barcode of the product. For example barcode 3000000...
2 answer
20.02.2023, 13:50
The search stopped looking for products by an additional field.
Good afternoon https://box.agro-him.com.ua/ A year ago, an additional field was made on all products, in which the active substance of the drug was...
10 replies
08.01.2023, 14:37
The speed of processing text input in the search field
Please speed up the processing of text input in the global search field. Now, after clicking on the icon, there is some kind of delay, due to which...
4 answer
05.01.2023, 13:41
The search does not return analogues
Good afternoon! http://box.agro-him.com.ua/ For some reason, the search engine gives out a list of analogues in one case, but not in the other. For...

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