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Search results for query #оприбуткування

3 answer
Is there an active vendor setting for the last transaction?
Tell me, is it possible to change the active supplier of the product to the one from whom the shoes were last purchased?
Moving from one cell to another
Is it somehow possible to make a transfer from one warehouse to another, while indicating the warehouse and cell from which it is moved and the war...
10 replies
Work with posting and sales in the Warehouse Journal
Good day. Clarification is needed on the work of posting and selling in the Warehouse Journal. In the order, we indicate the sales price and the in...
1 answer
Personal license
23.08.2023, 16:54
The data in the additional fields of the warehouse are not displayed
Data is not displayed in additional warehouse fields related to additional product fields. 1. When stocking, fill in the fields of the warehouse (s...
How to market a product if it is always unique???
How to work in OneBox if I have a product that is always unique? (example "window", always unique for each client). How to keep a warehouse for suc...
1 answer
Personal license
15.07.2022, 22:15
The additional fields of the warehouse are filled in differently when posting
There is a process in which we fill in additional fields of process products and start the production of goods with the action "start the busi...
2 answer
Personal license
19.08.2021, 16:59
OS: in case of opibutkuvannі not forfeit vibranі fіltri goods
I'm trying to buy goods with filters. For whom I built additional fields for the warehouse, tied with filters. Ale, the goods are delivered to...
In the order to the supplier, additional expenses will be required in writing in the warehouse operations in the amount of the purchase of goods
In the order to the supplier, you need additional expenses yakі will be in writing in warehouse operations in the sum of the purchase of goods Butt...
1 answer
Purchase of goods + mutual frost protection
Opportunity goods through the warehouse: https://prnt.sc/ujbruw Why should I get a job, I don’t have a mutual frostbite with a post-employee?? . Is...

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