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Search results for query #ограничения

2 answer
Personal license
18.11.2022, 12:19
What are the limitations of OneBox OS
What are the limitations (in an exhaustive list) in OneBox OS? Those. we need to understand all the key quantifiable parameters of the system, upon...
18 replies
05.07.2021, 12:15
Removed all forum restrictions for OneBox OS
Dear clients and partners! I am pleased to announce that the forum https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/ has temporarily removed all restrictions on q...
1 answer
20.10.2020, 10:09
Setting permissions
Good afternoon! How do access rights work if an employee is assigned two roles with different rights. What rights will be assigned? Will the rights...
3 answer
01.10.2020, 12:08
The employee sees data that is prohibited by rights
there is a checkbox in the employee card - https://prnt.sc/up6uf6 , there are ordered products - /admin/shop/products/ordered/01&dateto=&da...
14 replies
22.09.2020, 17:19
Access rights
Good afternoon! According to the access rights https://prnt.sc/ulusik, the manager does not have access to the ordered products and Excel download....
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Vysokos changed the data in boxing
The administrator's data was changed without permission (https://prnt.sc/ue39vw). It is not clear what other changes were made. Return yak bula...
2 answer
19.08.2020, 13:23
Access rights by employees
One SRM, 2 directions of the Russian Federation and Ukraine work in it, tobish these are different departments and employees. These are 2 different...

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