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Search results for query #образование

9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
02.09.2021, 17:35
OS - Author's program No. 1 in Ukraine for setting up business processes in OneBox
SPECIAL OFFER MASTER BUSINESS PROCESSES Get -5% with OneBoxOS promo code! And here's the proposal itself ???????????????????????? ❗️ On Monday,...
2 answer
08.09.2020, 15:05
Business process for an educational center
When forming a new lesson, boxing should request a trace. information: - name of the lesson to be held - the room in which the lesson will be held ...
2 answer
08.09.2020, 14:59
Sale of subscriptions for the educational center.
Each subscription must have its own cost and the following composition: - how many lessons are included in this subscription - the duration of each...

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