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Search results for query #наявність

2 answer
Personal license
25.05.2023, 14:34
Obtaining the availability of goods from the supplier Brain
help to understand: here is a product in stock https://brain.com.ua/ukr/Bagatofunktionalniy_pristriy_Canon_i-SENSYS_MF237w_c_Wi...
How to indicate availability at the supplier???
The availability of the product at the supplier corresponds to the fact that the product itself is included in the price. Sometimes suppliers simpl...
OneBox, record a video on YouTube about recalculating prices
Please record a video in your style, with examples and, most importantly, the LOGIC of the "recalculation of prices and availability" app...
Due to import, indicate the availability of the product at the supplier?
Is it possible through one of the imports to indicate availability at the supplier We are talking about the checkbox in the photo.
How to market a product if it is always unique???
How to work in OneBox if I have a product that is always unique? (example "window", always unique for each client). How to keep a warehouse for suc...
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
22.12.2021, 20:29
Why was the change in the "In the presence" field not recorded in the history (the product was sold)
For which product https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/65962/history/?userid=&systemchange=1...
automatic delivery
one automatic activity Universal product import (xml/json) not uploading pictures Products are loaded https://rovo.org.ua/admin/shop/products/?fi...
16 replies
Personal license
14.03.2021, 10:12
Irrelevant availability from 1 night to 9th morning
The client mentioned the problem with the current availability of goods. In the 1st year of the night, the price change is calculated: https://prnt...

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