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Search results for query #маржа

Bug when counting
Good day. I have a problem with calculating the formula. We have some operations with imports, and when we perform a currency conversion, the addit...
Change in margin calculation?
Hello, is there any way to change the margin calculation?
0 replies
04.11.2023, 18:23
Process margin taking into account shipped products
Now the Margin (margin) in the processes is calculated taking into account the Count (count) field, there is a variable [margin] for this margin. A...
Margin calculation
Good afternoon, here in my table of products, when there is no discount - there is a column for the final discount, when I insert a discount - this...
margin calculation
tell me how can you calculate the margin in the process separately for goods and separately for services if the goods and services are in the order...
2 answer
Incorrect price recalculation and margin calculation in the order
Good afternoon. Process: https://admin.uatech.pro/admin/customorder/order/1396528/edit/ there is a product that is credited lower than the input pr...
5 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
06.09.2022, 14:06
Estimate warehouse completion (margin display)
Here in the cliffs https://box.yerocolors.com/app/storage/tab/balance/?categoryid=0&brandid=0&a...
1 answer
18.05.2022, 17:53
Incorrectly calculated margin
Order https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/order/2247164/edit/ Order amount 1721 Purchase amount 910 Margin calculated 212 Please correct
2 answer
21.04.2022, 13:50
Margin in OS
Good day tell me, be kind, how to fence the field "margin" in the right places of the system for singing practitioners? For example, how ...
5 replies
17.02.2022, 15:39
How to reduce the margin of the process without changing the cost of goods in the process
Good afternoon. Tell me, is it possible to change the Process Margin (standard field) without adding a product and without changing the cost of the...

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