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Search results for query #лицо

5 replies
Mass change Jur. Process Persons
Is it possible to massively change the legal process face? If the processes are at different stages and you need to change their legal. face.
3 answer
03.11.2020, 12:47
Legal entities (companies) and fields
Good afternoon. 1. We sometimes receive orders from legal entities. And when billing, data from the contacts section is substituted. And how to mak...
4 answer
16.09.2020, 12:05
Jur. individuals!
There was a possibility to make payments in the process at the usi jur. individuals! You can contribute less to that one. yur person, yak robbed. T...
2015596719 - Refinement of the conditions for the creation of a TTN for an individual
For integration with Nova Poshta, the setting “Additional field value at which to create ttn for a Private person” has been improved. If the value ...
2015331240 - Improvement of the BP action “Change the legal entity of the process”
For the BP action “Change the legal entity of the process”, the ability to specify an additional process field with the “Contact Directory” type ha...

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