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Search results for query #кпи

6 replies
28.11.2022, 09:26
Some KPIs stopped being calculated (settings did not change)
Good day! For some reason, some KPIs have stopped being calculated https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/report/comparekpi/ for about 10 days Here are these ...
2 answer
KPI not recalculated
Here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/kpi/userhistory/?kpiid[]=70&ok=Filter&dat... 00&...
1 answer
06.10.2021, 16:35
Date of kpi calculation
There is kpi https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/admin/kpi/57/ We can specify the date on which the calculation will take place But is it possible to mod...
Calculate bonus based on KPI - doesn't work
Action "Calculate bonus based on KPI" https://rivcont.info/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Settings (see screenshot 1) User https://rivcont...
5 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
14.09.2021, 19:55
Number of processes
Guy, I have a question. I need the system to count the number of processes, but without reference to the employee. Let's say I made kpi https:/...
4 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
14.09.2021, 12:53
KPI settings fly off
Guys, in the KPI settings, after saving, the BP settings fly off rice1 Accordingly, it does not correctly calculate tasks for the payment of salar...
3 answer
KPI indicators (dashboard)
Hello. Question about KPI indicators. Incorrect information on the number of comments left per day is displayed in the dashboard cards for employee...
4 answer
16.06.2021, 02:26
Re-created payroll processes by KPI
Tonight, salary processes based on KPI were duplicated. Why did this happen? https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/salary/?filternu...
6 replies
19.02.2021, 09:46
KPI Sold category (sum of products) by an employee per month
Good afternoon. There are questions about this KPI: 1. Tell me, can I use this KPI to calculate how much an employee sold goods in a particular cat...
4 answer
03.02.2021, 20:07
Good afternoon. Tell me if it is possible to set up KPI without taking into account the date https://prnt.sc/y66k30, that is, I need the number (su...

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