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Search results for query #конструктор

7 replies
03.01.2024, 13:37
Stage switching
Good afternoon. Tell me how to implement stage switching if the payment deadline has passed? There is a stage "Deferred payment", at this stage the...
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
12.12.2023, 15:34
Completely change the business process from the json file
How can you completely change the business process along with procedures and interface from a json file? In the business process designer, there is...
0 replies
23.09.2023, 14:59
The directory constructor has the following setting
Tell me where I can read about how this setting "Configure many-to-many directory communication" works
8 replies
04.05.2023, 16:34
How to make an informational message
Tell me if it is possible to make it so that when going to any stage, if there are more than 1 item in the Customer's Order, a message was displaye...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
16.03.2023, 11:53
Add in the constructor a display of the number of new (unopened) processes
Hello! Tell me how it is possible to add the functionality of displaying the number of processes at the starting stage (unopened) By type as in t...
The bot settings have been lost and there is no way to return
https://tovtg.1b.app/app/bot-constructor/1/ After some update, the settings in the bot flew off. Connections have been restored, but there is no wa...
5 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
03.10.2022, 10:27
Editing fields with type "Date"
Entry in the guide https://lytvynenko.1b.app/app/customobject/directory/2/4/ When filling in fields with the "Date" type, it is not possi...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
28.12.2021, 11:55
Report grouping not expanding
Set up a report https://prosto-shop.pp.ua/admin/report/desiner/4/view/ If there are quotation marks in the grouping field name, then the grouping i...
2 answer
23.11.2021, 14:06
BP constructor does not save block diagram correctly
BP https://grimaxgroup.1b.app/app/workflow/12/constructor/ When setting up a new PSU, after updating the page, it substitutes the code instead of t...
3 answer
Personal license
19.10.2021, 15:17
in the "client report (document template)" report, the variable displays a link to another box
constructor block variable {row:order_id} displays a link to another box: you can check here: https://crm-77.com/admin/report/desiner/5/view/?fil...

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