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How is the product variable {|$basketsArray|} used? I need the product name and quantity to be sent to the client in an e-mail, but this variable d...
4 answer
Personal license
03.05.2022, 18:59
Change the step for the help button viber and change [url_change_status:statusID]
Let's be kind as it is correct in OS to adjust status change for additional buttons and change [url_change_status:statusID] . Earlier, there wa...
3 answer
Personal license
19.10.2021, 15:17
in the "client report (document template)" report, the variable displays a link to another box
constructor block variable {row:order_id} displays a link to another box: you can check here: https://crm-77.com/admin/report/desiner/5/view/?fil...
1 answer
Personal license
01.07.2021, 12:32
Consult how to practice "Change the presence of the business process for the client"
It is necessary to reconsider, what is the process of each client from such values of the additional field. Nalashtuvala diyu https://take.ms/dBoKV...

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