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Search results for query #дубль

3 answer
26.12.2023, 11:09
The document is duplicated when created
Good afternoon When creating invoices, duplicate documents in the order are periodically randomly created. Can you see what the problem might be? T...
5 replies
20.09.2023, 11:56
BAH for some reason duplicates processes
duplicates processes for some reason https://urbantree.1b.app/app/workflow/ https://i.imgur.com/p8d77nh.png it shouldn't be https://prnt.sc/PmXIP8C...
1 answer
12.08.2022, 17:31
Two identical fields in the report
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/report/designer/15/ (Fig. 1) Two fields "Process statuses for calculating payments for the Revenue column&...
Duplicate CRM widget
Good day. After registration, the partner got access to one more CRM icon.
6 replies
30.08.2021, 17:38
Question about a paid task
Good afternoon! Please provide an answer for this issue. It just weighs a very long time, and the revision is very necessary https://crm-onebox.com...
4 answer
19.08.2021, 21:29
Bug. Duplicate task statuses when creating
Task statuses are duplicated when creating an order bp "Customer Order"
7 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
28.07.2021, 14:28
Duplicate links when using filters on the site
Boxing https://luxshina.ua/admin/ There is a filter Problem: When we filter winter tires the page https://luxshina.ua/avtoshini/zimnie-shini/ ope...
22 answer
Тзов Екомора
16.02.2021, 13:49
Bug with duplicating steps in the process, how to call for duplicating goods and payments
Main output data: 1) Є 2 BP moving (https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/workflow/284/constructor/ https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/workflow/335/constructor/...
1 answer
29.12.2020, 09:33
Good afternoon. Found several contacts with the same numbers. And we can’t find in the settings a ban on creating accounts with duplicate numbers.
18 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
19.12.2020, 13:48
Repeating the transition problem to the same status 2 times
There was a task https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/finances/3782-protsess-pereshel-dvazhdi-na-odi...

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